On Mentoring Young Adults

The 180th Pacific Coast Scout Rover Group has developed a detailed mentoring process for the youth in the group. Written by Clarice Fu, the series gives a clear description of how the mentoring process works in this Crew. The process is all about developing leadership, organization skills, and better learning strategies for the youth in the group. If you’re interested in how the process works, you might check out the link above and read Clarice’s report of how they set up their mentorship program.

The reason I post this is because much of what is discussed relates to a relationship between adults and the youth they work with – not a teacher relationship (of a traditional classroom) but of a trusted adult who “leads from behind” – helping young people figure out how something can be done, supporting them through whatever experiences they are engaged in, and taking them through a review process that allows them to identify what they can now do and what they still need to learn.