The Math Quilt

This is the quilt I made for my niece, a Kindergarten teacher in north Toronto. She has an activity-based classroom and lots of room for exploration. Here is the quilt for her classroom I sent her during the winter:

DSCF2398 DSCF2403The children were immediately taken by the irregular design of the front panel – they counted the coloured strips, they measured some of them, they talked about the colour gradation, they drew pictures of it. The back afforded more exploration – could  they find pairs of colours, how many pairs were there?

photo 3

The interest came from the children and my niece allowed them to explore widely, prompting them with questions as the children engaged with the quilt.

I just made a colourful quilt I thought she and the children would like to have. The children turned it into something else: The Math Quilt!